Box tree caterpillar - How to identify and treat (2024)

Box tree caterpillar - How to identify and treat (2024)

The box tree caterpillar is a common pest in the UK, particularly the South East, feeding on box bushes. Without early detection and treatment this can cause devastation to your Buxus. Fortunately, pheromone traps are an easy way to detect and treat box tree infestations.
Codling moth control (2024)

Codling moth control (2024)

Codling moth control Codling moth is the main cause of maggots in apples and pears, ruining your fruit. Pheromone traps, followed by nematodes and insecticide sprays are common options for codling moth control.
Slug Infestation - How to get rid of slugs and snails

Slug Infestation - How to get rid of slugs and snails

Slugs and snails are extremely common in UK gardens, and can wander into houses too. They feed on a variety of vegetable and ornamental plants, from hostas to potato tubers. They’re so common they often can’t be fully-eradicated, so slug collars are the best and easiest long-term solution.
Bed bugs - How to identify and get rid of (2024)

Bed bugs - How to identify and get rid of (2024)

Bed bugs are a common household pest in the UK, especially in cities, feeding on human blood. They live for 4-6 months and can go a long time without food, making them very hard to get rid of. Professional heat treatments followed by InsectoSec tape can be the most effective treatment.