The problem:
With pots limiting the ability of roots to search for food, house plants need a little extra help to thrive and flourish. GroPure House Plants is a complete blend of nutrition, specifically designed for indoor plants.
The product:
The power of chemical N, P and K, but sourced from plant waste.
A complete blend of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) and micro-nutrients, GroPure House Plants has a high Nitrogen content to help plants produce lush green foliage and Potassium to help your plants produce more vibrant flowers.
How to use:
Suitable for all house plants grown indoors in containers.
Simply add 10 ml (one cap full) per 2 litres of water into a watering can and apply it to the soil around the base of your plants.
Use GroPure House Plants to feed your plants weekly all year round whenever your plants are actively growing.
When using in winter, use at a lower rate of half a cap per 2 litres.
Approved as suitable for both organic and vegan gardening.