The problem: 

Leather jackets, larvae of crane flies (Tipula sp.), can devastate lawns and grass areas. Feeding on grass roots, leather jackets cause stress to the grass as its reduced root system is unable to support the plant with water and nutrition it requires. In addition to the direct feeding damage on the plants, grass infested with leather jackets can suffer more damage from the predators of leather jackets (such as crows) pulling up the weakened grass to find and eat the leather jackets.


The product: 

The beneficial nematode Steinernema feltiae is natural predator of leather jackets. MightyNem® beneficial nematodes can be used to control leather jackets that have infested lawn and turf. A natural solution to control an increasingly important pest as leather jackets spread through gardens across the UK.


How to use: 

MightyNems come as a water dispersible powder in a small plastic sachet. The aim is to mix them in water and then apply evenly over the grass area.
- Upon delivery keep in a fridge (4'C) until use, do not freezer. Use before expiry date shown on the pack.
- Open the pack and mix the nematodes into a bucket of water.
- Add one third of the bucket contents to the sprayer or watering can to be used for application. Fill with water.
- Keeping the equipment adjitated throughout application to prevent the nematodes settling. Apply the contents onto one third of the grass to be treated.
- Additional water can be applied to the treated area after the MightyNems have been used to ensure the top layer of soil is moist and nematodes are washed through the grass thatch layer.
- The grass and top soil surface should be kept moist for two weeks after application to help the nematodes to remain active as they hunt the leather jacket larvae.
- The 1st and 2nd instar stages of the leather jacket lifecycle are the most susceptible to nematode infection. These are present in September and October which is the best time to use the product.
MightyNem® Leather Jacket Killer should be used at a rate of 500,000 nematodes per square meter.