Compact Box tree moth trap
Compact Box tree moth trap
Diagram depicting the prevented cycle of a moth, now stopped by the required trap.
Graphic step-by-step illustration of how to use a box tree moth trap.
A graphic illustration of a box tree moth trap label.
Photo and graphic illustration of a before and after comparison of using a moth trap.
Photo of a lure being inserted into the top of the pheromone trap.
Photo of an adult box moth.
Photo of an opened pheromone lure.

Andermatt Home & Garden

Compact Box tree moth trap

Sale price£10.35

Free shipping on orders £30 and over

Easy to setup, compact pheromone trap effectively catches and kills box tree moth.

- Great value including lure
- Bee and beneficial insect-friendly
- Minimal packaging
- Full instructions included
- Natural pheromone only attracts box moth to protect box tree plants and hedges (Buxus)

When is it best to use? 


When adult moths are flying

Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews
Tom R
Moth killer

I had two large mature box bushes that were decimated by box tree moths, to the extent I thought they were dead. Tried the box moth trap, which started capturing the moths within a week, and six weeks later the bushes are pristine again.

Phil F.
Great Box Tree moth trap

This trap started working from day one when it caught its first moth. Five days on and I’ve now got a total of eight moths so it’s certainly doing its job. It arrived in good condition and was easy to put together and is just hanging on one of the branches from a tree which is about 2.5 metres from the box hedge.

Tony R
Trap review

We were late ordering, and our box tree was entirely eaten, but we cut it back and set up a trap which was amazing in the moths it caught. Our box is now sprouting again and we will definitely buy some more pheromone to put in the trap next year.

Ian F
9 moths caught!

Since putting the trap out we have consistently caught the moths that would potentially cause us problems for next year. Hopefully this will mean fewer caterpillars wreaking havoc on our box hedge. So far a total of 9 moths caught. Delighted with the result and we will be purchasing additional pheromone bait for next year.

Tony R

We were late ordering, and our box tree was entirely eaten, but we cut it back and set up a trap which was amazing in the moths it caught. Our box is now sprouting again and we will definitely buy some more pheromone to put in the trap next year.

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Premium bayonet design

Easier to use and more secure than strap models.

Great value

Lure included, with free next day delivery.

Minimal packaging

We keep all packaging to a minimum. Full instructions are included on the packaging to save paper.


about the product

The Box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis) is a devastating pest of box plants (Boxus spp.). Caterpillar feed on the leaves, which can result in complete defoliation and die back of the plant.

1. Add 5 cm of water and a drop of detergent to the base
2. Open the pheromone lure sachet and place it in the cage at the top.
3. Hang the trap 1.5 – 2.0 meters above the ground.
4. Replace the lure every 6 weeks (refills available).
5. Check the trap regularly for moths. Empty and replace the water.

When adult moths are flying, April to October.

How does a box tree moth trap work?

The lure inside emits the female box tree moth pheromone, which attracts the male. The male gets caught in the trap and dies. This prevents breeding and egg laying, and in turn the hatching of more caterpillars.

how to use

1. Insert lure

Leaders in biocontrol

Andermatt was founded over 30 years ago by two PhD students, Mr and Mrs Andermatt, who created the world's first plant-protecting baculovirus.

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