Andermatt Home & Garden
Apisolis Vapouriser
Free shipping on orders £30 and over
Apisolis is the new generation of bee hive smoker that is better for your and the bees' health, and environmentally-friendly.
The patented liquid produces a soothing vapour which active ingredients made from essential oils. The temperature is automatically regulated.
Say goodbye to you and your bees inhaling toxic chemicals, or posing a combustion risk.
The Apisolis kit has everything you need: the smoker, all the component parts and the liquid that it used in it (this includes the smoker bellows and power source, 1 resistor and the silicone housing that the resistor fits in, a plastic a USB charger, liquid reservoir and a bottle of liquid)
The Smoker has everything but the liquid: smoker bellows and power source, 1 resistor and the case to house it in, a plastic a USB charger and liquid reservoir.
We also sell the patented liquid and resistors separately.
How to use Apisolis:
1. Remove the white resistor coil (the part that heats up) from its packaging and set this down on a flat surface.

2. Next, pour about 6-8 drops of the Native liquid into the hole at the top of the resistor to prime the part for use in the Apisolis.

3. Let this liquid soak into the resistor for at least 5 minutes before use.

2. Now the resistor is primed, push it into the silicone housing ready to go into the bottom of the liquid reservoir.
3. Fill the liquid reservoir with Native liquid. Make sure to fill right up to the top of the lined area before you place the resistor into the reservoir.
4. Place the resistor into the bottom of the reservoir.
When it is in position the silicone housing should create a watertight seal around the bottom.
5. The reservoir can now be slotted into place.
and Apisolis can be activated for use at the hive straight away.
Using Apisolis at the hive
Apisolis is used instead of the traditional smoker; the soothing vapour that is expelled from the Apisolis will trigger the same reaction from the bees as smoke does without the use of combustion.
Apisolis is simple to use; unclip the bellows from their closed position then open and close the bellows. After three puffs of the Apisolis bellows, the unit will beep to signify activation and the cooling vapour will come out of the delivery spout.
The bee keeper can adjust the quantity of vapour by exerting the desired pressure on the unit. No need to switch the unit off- Apisolis turns off automatically when inactive to conserve the battery life.
To recharge the battery, plug the mini USB cable into a power source and into the Apisolis unit at the bottom. The LED will inform the bee keeper when the battery is fully charged.
about the product

Unique NATIVE formula